A video highlighting the plight of a Grade 11 student in the Kajuwatta village in Aralaganwila in Polonnaruwa had been posted on Facebook. In the video, the girl claims she has not been able to attend school for about one and a half months due to the economic hardships faced by her family. The girl had requested help for her family, citing that they are finding it difficult to even afford basic meals. She had said her mother is ill and that there is no one to take care of her two younger brothers.
The letter instructing to inquire into the facts of this news report and submit a report is produced below
A video highlighting the plight of a Grade 11 student in the Kajuwatta village in Aralaganwila in Polonnaruwa had been posted on Facebook. In the video, the girl claims she has not been able to attend school for about one and a half months due to the economic hardships faced by her family. The girl had requested help for her family, citing that they are finding it difficult to even afford basic meals. She had said her mother is ill and that there is no one to take care of her two younger brothers.
The letter instructing to inquire into the facts of this news report and submit a report is produced below
The Divaina newspaper has reported that fishermen are complaining that the increase in weeds in the Ella wewa in Dimbulagala has affected fishing, and that they have not received enough support from the government to engage in their livelihoods
The letter instructing to inquire into the facts of this news report and submit a report is produced below
The Divaina newspaper has reported that fishermen are complaining that the increase in weeds in the Ella wewa in Dimbulagala has affected fishing, and that they have not received enough support from the government to engage in their livelihoods
The letter instructing to inquire into the facts of this news report and submit a report is produced below
The Lankadeepa newspaper has reported that the Private Printers Association has halted the printing of school textbooks as the government has not provided them the necessary funds
The letter instructing to inquire into the facts of this news report and submit a report is produced below
The Lankadeepa newspaper has reported that the Private Printers Association has halted the printing of school textbooks as the government has not provided them the necessary funds
The letter instructing to inquire into the facts of this news report and submit a report is produced below
A recent news report on Sirasa TV revealed that farmers in the Tambuttegama Divisional Secretariat have been affected due to damages in the Mahabellankadawala wewa.
The letter instructing to inquire into the facts of this news report and submit a report is produced below
A recent news report on Sirasa TV revealed that farmers in the Tambuttegama Divisional Secretariat have been affected due to damages in the Mahabellankadawala wewa.
The letter instructing to inquire into the facts of this news report and submit a report is produced below
The Aruna newspaper reported that the air quality meter installed a month ago at the premises of the Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi in Anuradhapura is still inactive
The letter instructing to inquire into the facts of this news report and submit a report is produced below
The Aruna newspaper reported that the air quality meter installed a month ago at the premises of the Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi in Anuradhapura is still inactive
The letter instructing to inquire into the facts of this news report and submit a report is produced below
The breadwinners of 75 families in the No.29 Henayaya village in Hingurakgoda, Habarana, are daily wage earners. According to the news report aired on Sirasa TV, these families are in dire straits as they have not been able to find employment.
The letter instructing to inquire into the facts of this news report and submit a report is produced below
The breadwinners of 75 families in the No.29 Henayaya village in Hingurakgoda, Habarana, are daily wage earners. According to the news report aired on Sirasa TV, these families are in dire straits as they have not been able to find employment.
The letter instructing to inquire into the facts of this news report and submit a report is produced below
The ‘Dasatha Lanka News’ website had published a report of a father seeking financial assistance for a heart surgery of his three-year-old daughter.
The parents of this daughter had submitted a letter to the President’s Fund on February 16, 2023, seeking financial assistance for this medical procedure. The President’s Fund has obtained the necessary information from the Ministry of Health and the Divisional Secretariat of the area in which the family is residing.
The President’s Fund has received the recommendations of the Divisional Secretary.. Upon fixing a date for the surgery and receiving the relevant documents, the President’s Fund will write to the hospital informing that it would bear the expenses for the procedure. The Presidential Secretariat will bear LKR 400,000 of the total expenses.
The Department of Social Services for the Eastern Province has decided to provide a medical allowance of LKR 20,000 to the family, an LKR 50,000 Samurdhi allowance, 10 kilograms of rice received as a donation from India, milk powder, and Rs 10,000 for the medical needs of the children. This has been confirmed by the District Secretary.
The ‘Dasatha Lanka News’ website had published a report of a father seeking financial assistance for a heart surgery of his three-year-old daughter.
The parents of this daughter had submitted a letter to the President’s Fund on February 16, 2023, seeking financial assistance for this medical procedure. The President’s Fund has obtained the necessary information from the Ministry of Health and the Divisional Secretariat of the area in which the family is residing.
The President’s Fund has received the recommendations of the Divisional Secretary.. Upon fixing a date for the surgery and receiving the relevant documents, the President’s Fund will write to the hospital informing that it would bear the expenses for the procedure. The Presidential Secretariat will bear LKR 400,000 of the total expenses.
The Department of Social Services for the Eastern Province has decided to provide a medical allowance of LKR 20,000 to the family, an LKR 50,000 Samurdhi allowance, 10 kilograms of rice received as a donation from India, milk powder, and Rs 10,000 for the medical needs of the children. This has been confirmed by the District Secretary.
Mawbima News reveals that the patients as well as the hospital staff face inconvenience due to the malfunctioning of the lift at the Ragama Teaching Hospital.
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President Ranil Wickramasinghe instructed to find facts regarding the news published in Mawbima newspaper under the headline, “It’s been two years since the lifts of the Ragama Teaching Hospital broke down”on 08.09.2022 and submit a report.
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The Director General confirmed that two lifts at the out patient department (OPD) of the hospital are out of order.The Director General in writing further stated that, since the allocations has not been made for this year to repair these 22-year-old lifts, they would be repaired next year as soon as the allocations were made.
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Mawbima News reveals that the patients as well as the hospital staff face inconvenience due to the malfunctioning of the lift at the Ragama Teaching Hospital.
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President Ranil Wickramasinghe instructed to find facts regarding the news published in Mawbima newspaper under the headline, “It’s been two years since the lifts of the Ragama Teaching Hospital broke down”on 08.09.2022 and submit a report.
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The Director General confirmed that two lifts at the out patient department (OPD) of the hospital are out of order.The Director General in writing further stated that, since the allocations has not been made for this year to repair these 22-year-old lifts, they would be repaired next year as soon as the allocations were made.
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The Lankadeepa website reports that due to the delay of establishment of the wildlife office as planned at the Valallavita Divisional Secretariat, the safety of wildlife in the area has been threatened.
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President Ranil Wickramasinghe instructed to find facts regarding the news published in the Lankadeepa website under the headline of “Animal lives are in danger due to the delay of the Wildlife Office in Vallavita” on 25.08. 2022 and submit a report.
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The Director General of the Department of Wildlife Conservation has informed that Vallavita area had been identified as an area where wildlife conservation activities should be implemented. The article further explains the difficulties in implementing it.
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The Lankadeepa website reports that due to the delay of establishment of the wildlife office as planned at the Valallavita Divisional Secretariat, the safety of wildlife in the area has been threatened.
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President Ranil Wickramasinghe instructed to find facts regarding the news published in the Lankadeepa website under the headline of “Animal lives are in danger due to the delay of the Wildlife Office in Vallavita” on 25.08. 2022 and submit a report.
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The Director General of the Department of Wildlife Conservation has informed that Vallavita area had been identified as an area where wildlife conservation activities should be implemented. The article further explains the difficulties in implementing it.
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The news reveals that a high ranking official of the National Housing Development Authority has organized a ceremony on the 19th in a well-known hotel in Kandy district on the pretext of a district managers’ meeting against the backdrop of the circular issued by the Treasury Secretary to curtail unnecessary public expenditure as much as possible.
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President Ranil Wickramasinghe instructed to find facts regarding the news published in the Mawbima under the headline of “Irrespective of the circular to curtail government expenditure, a ceremony at a hotel in Kandy hosted by Housing Authority senior officials” on 19.08.2022 and submit a report.
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The Acting General Manager of the National Housing Development Authority informed that a workshop was organized with the aim of instilling confidence and new hopes among the officers to increase promotion of charging and to achieve high results with minimal expenditure. As a result the charging rate which was Rs. 39, 123 million , by 24.07.2022 was increased to Rs 90,317 million by 24.08.2022.
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The news reveals that a high ranking official of the National Housing Development Authority has organized a ceremony on the 19th in a well-known hotel in Kandy district on the pretext of a district managers’ meeting against the backdrop of the circular issued by the Treasury Secretary to curtail unnecessary public expenditure as much as possible.
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President Ranil Wickramasinghe instructed to find facts regarding the news published in the Mawbima under the headline of “Irrespective of the circular to curtail government expenditure, a ceremony at a hotel in Kandy hosted by Housing Authority senior officials” on 19.08.2022 and submit a report.
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The Acting General Manager of the National Housing Development Authority informed that a workshop was organized with the aim of instilling confidence and new hopes among the officers to increase promotion of charging and to achieve high results with minimal expenditure. As a result the charging rate which was Rs. 39, 123 million , by 24.07.2022 was increased to Rs 90,317 million by 24.08.2022.
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