Published on: December 27, 2022

President appoints new secretaries to 08 ministries, extends the term of three

President Ranil Wickremesinghe has reshuffled the secretaries of eight ministries with effect from January 01st 2023 and extended the tenure of the secretaries of three ministries for a further year.

Accordingly, the Secretary to the Ministry of Public Administration, Home Affairs, Provincial Councils &Local Government Mr M.M.P.K. Mayadunne has been transferred to the Minister of Transport and Highways while Mr H.K.D.W.M.N.B. Hapuhinne who served as the Secretary to the Ministry of Women Child Affairs & Social Empowerment has been transferred to the Ministry of Public Administration, Home Affairs, Provincial Councils & Local Government with effect from 01-01-2023.

Meanwhile, the Additional Secretary to the Ministry of Labour and Foreign Employment Mrs M. Yamuna Perera has been appointed to the post of Secretary to the Ministry of Women Child Affairs & Social Empowerment, Additional Secretary to the Ministry of Public Administration, Home Affairs, Provincial Councils & Local Government Mr M.M. Naimuddin has been appointed as the Secretary to the Ministry of Investment Promotion and Mr R.M.W.S. Samaradivakara, Additional Secretary to the Ministry of Agriculture has been appointed as the Secretary to the Ministry of Tourism and Lands.

Mr A.M.P.M. B. Atapattu, Senior Secretary to the President has been appointed as the Secretary to the Ministry of Trade, Commerce and Food Security, the Commissioner General of the Department for Registration of Persons Mr. P.V. Gunatillake has been appointed to the Ministry of Public Security and Jaffna District Secretary Mr K. Mahesan has been appointed as the Secretary to the Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs.

Further, the tenure of the Secretary to the Ministry of Justice, Prison Affairs and Constitutional Reform Mrs Wasantha Perera, the Secretary to the Ministry of Education Mr M.N. Ranasinghe and the Secretary to the Ministry of Irrigation Mr U.D.C. Jayalal was extended for one year.

These new appointments will be effective from 01st January 2023.


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