Published on: April 30, 2024

Labour Day Message

On the 138th observance of World Labour Day, born from a historic struggle for rights, our nation stands at a pivotal moment. Regardless of political affiliations, it falls upon each of us to shoulder the unshakable duty of fortifying our economy and propelling our nation onward.

During the recent economic downturn, our working class bore the brunt of the hardship. I extend heartfelt appreciation to all who laboured diligently, driving the engine of our economy forward amidst adversity.

The fruits of our collective dedication are evident today. Sri Lanka’s economy is on an upward trajectory, underscored by significant achievements in curbing inflation and stabilizing the currency, credited to governmental efforts.

Let us not forget the government’s commitment to uplift the working class from poverty and secure their rights. Initiatives like the “Aswesuma” and “Urumaya” programmes stand as pillars of this endeavour, particularly benefiting plantation workers.

Moreover, amidst economic challenges, the salary increments of the public sector were increased, while the private sector too rendered their utmost commitment.

Instead of a conventional May Day celebration, let us seize this opportunity to forge consensus, acknowledging contemporary trends and challenges. I extend an invitation to all political parties to join hands in charting a path towards a prosperous future for our nation.

Ranil Wickremesinghe,
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.


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